Monitor to the all processes transparently which start from the raw glass to the labelling stage at the delivery Get the information of energy fluctuations and costs. Provide retraceability of your delivered products.
Furnace, Tempering, Cutting,
Laminating, Forming, Cleaning.
Track Through Sensors.
Provide traceability of all processes through the one dijital system which start from raw glass in the raw material entry section of the factory to the labeling in the delivery.
Follow the all processes of the raw glass, such as furnace, tempering, cutting, laminated,forming, cleaning, withsensors fromthe Cormind System.
Transfer your production in the field to your ERP system instantly with Cormind System’s confirmation mechanism and eliminate the manual confirmation. .
The data into The Cormind System provide the retraceability of the delivered product to your customers which is labeled/barcoded after the quality control.
ManageYour Energy Costs
After all, your energy fluctuatşons and costs can be followed by the Cormind Ssytem, not only production tracking. Cormind shows you the data graphically which is obtained from the energy analyzers on your machines and presents them in report formats.
The energy fluctuations or under the conditions to be determined by you, The Cormind System provides the sending the notification opportunities.
It reports the working hours and energy costs of your machines on the steted dates, saves you from the physical operations such as meter reading, reachs to you the correct data, provides the efficiency and time saving.
Reduce Your Costs
Days / ROI
Energy Saving
Yield Increase

Direct your performance optimization with real-time production visibility, OEE, cuttinganalysis and pastreporting.

Avoid production delays by retaining and predicting the various types of failures in your machinery and production equipment.

Prevent the malfunction of your production by enabling your engineers and maintenance managers to monitor your machines in real time.

Analyze the operation and process data for the determination of the unefficiency which affect the efficiency and profitability.
The Cormind System integrates the instant process parameters of your machines and PLCs with the ERP and provides end-to-end parameter tracking.
All KPIs, such as machine activities, operator breaks, production times of product types are measured in digital environment.
Increase your capacity, automate the time-consuming manual processes and solve the all machine problems accurately that threaten your production quality.
Aerospace and Defense
Enhance your production quality, increase your productivity and minimize your costs to obtain competitive advantage.

Are You Ready to Open Pandora’s Box for Your Business?